The Project
Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield New Jersey stands as a beacon of excellence in the healthcare industry, embodying a unique blend of non-profit ethos and cutting-edge healthcare solutions. As New Jersey’s most established and extensive health insurance provider, Horizon BCBSNJ has cultivated a reputation for delivering premium, cost-effective healthcare services that span a diverse range of needs. They offer managed care and traditional indemnity plans for individuals and employers, plus a variety of medical, dental, vision, and prescription insurance products and services.
The User Experience
Founded on the principle of prioritizing patient care over shareholder profits, Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield New Jersey has become a trusted name in both public and private markets. Their comprehensive suite of offerings includes state-of-the-art managed care plans, traditional indemnity options, and an array of specialized products covering medical, dental, vision, and prescription needs. This holistic approach ensures that individuals and employers alike can access tailored healthcare solutions that align with their specific requirements.
Key Features & Benefits
Horizon BCBSNJ’s commitment to accessibility and quality care is evident in their National Accounts division, which presents a robust portfolio of health insurance plans:
Traditional Indemnity
This fee-for-service plan epitomizes flexibility, allowing members the freedom to choose any healthcare provider. Additionally, it offers access to the extensive national BlueCard network, ensuring comprehensive coverage across the country.
Horizon BCBSNJ Direct Access
A forward-thinking managed care plan, Horizon BCBSNJ Direct Access opens doors to an expansive network of participating physicians. It goes beyond basic coverage, encompassing preventive care, emergency medical services, and a host of other essential health needs.
Advantage EPO
This innovative plan integrates medical and pharmacy benefits seamlessly. It places a strong emphasis on wellness initiatives while ensuring members are covered for emergency care, creating a balanced approach to health management.
Horizon BCBSNJ’s influence extends far beyond New Jersey, where it provides coverage to over 3.2 million residents.
The company’s reach encompasses a diverse clientele, from individuals to large corporations, local municipalities, state employees, and even federal workers. This broad spectrum of services solidifies Horizon BCBSNJ’s position as a versatile and reliable health insurance provider.
On the national stage, Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield New Jersey has earned its place among the most esteemed names in the industry. Their reputation for excellence and trustworthiness precedes them, making them a go-to choice for those seeking dependable health coverage.
The Horizon BCBSNJ National Accounts website serves as a digital gateway to their extensive range of medical, dental, and vision plans. These include, but are not limited to:
• Advantage EPO
• BlueCard PPO
• EPO (Exclusive Provider Organization)
• Horizon Direct Access
• Horizon HMO
• Horizon PPO CDHP HSA
• Horizon Point of Service (POS)
• OMNIA Health Plan
• Traditional Indemnity
The measure of success for this redesign is rooted in user-centric metrics. The goal is to ensure that users can effortlessly navigate the website and locate crucial information across various scenarios:
• When immediate hospital care is required
• During the transition from hospital to home care
• When follow-up care is necessary
• When seeking expert medical advice
The reimagined user interface of the National Accounts Website is engineered to foster partnerships between plan members and a diverse array of healthcare professionals, including care providers, medical directors, and home health aides. This collaborative approach ensures comprehensive care delivery.
Useful Resources
The redesigned user experience of the National Accounts website is crafted with a singular focus: to elevate the level of service provided to plan members, ultimately contributing to improved health outcomes. A primary usability objective is to facilitate seamless connections between Horizon BCBSNJ plan members and caregivers on a national scale. The interface is designed to simplify the process of adhering to treatment plans, accessing mental health services, and managing pharmacy information for prescription fulfillment.
Beyond serving existing Horizon BCBSNJ plan members, the website empowers all users to locate in-network doctors and hospitals, access detailed information about various health conditions and treatments, and navigate the path to integrated care and support. This holistic approach aims to enhance the overall healthcare experience, promoting informed decision-making and improved health outcomes.
In essence, the Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield New Jersey National Accounts website redesign represents a significant step towards a more connected, informed, and patient-centric healthcare ecosystem. It embodies Horizon BCBSNJ’s commitment to not just insuring health, but actively promoting and supporting the well-being of its members and the broader community.
In addition, the user experience will provide timely information about:
Member Claims
Check your claim status, see what has been paid and if you owe anything out of pocket. Find answers to frequently asked questions about claims, benefits, doctors, emergency care, and more.
Benefits & Coverage
Understand your coverage, view authorizations and referrals, and let us know if you have additional health insurance.
My Accounts
Track your out-of-pocket costs for health care services. Out-of-pocket costs include deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments for covered services plus all costs for services that aren’t covered.
Feel your best every day with our wellness programs. Horizon BCBSNJ regularly provides preventive health information. Each month focuses on a popular wellness topic, such as a common health condition or how to integrate a healthy habit.
ID Cards
View, print and request additional member ID cards online. You can even text or email your digital ID card right to your doctors and hospitals.
Traveling Abroad
Blue Cross Blue Shield Global Core offers provider search, medical translations, travel alerts, and more services for eligible Blue Cross Blue Shield members.
We Build The Future.
Ready To Transform Your Digital Presence?
Please get in touch with us today and let’s talk about how we can work together to bring your vision to life.